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Table of contents

  1. Operators
    1. Ternary Operator
  2. Precedence


Operator Description Example
and Returns true if both operands are truthy values otherwise false true and true
or Returns the first truthy operand unless all are false and the last operand is returned true or false
not Returns the inverse boolean value for a given operand not true
+ Adds the values on either side of the operator together 10 + 10
- Subtracts the values on either side of the operator together 10 - 10
* Multiplies the values on either side of the operator together 10 * 2
/ Divides the values on either side of the operator together. 10 / 3
< Returns true if the left operand is less than the right operand (for strings this is based on the ASCII value) 9 < 10
> Returns true if the left operand is more than the right operand (for strings this is based on the ASCII value) 11 > 10
<= Same as < however includes an equality check 9 <= 9
>= Same as > however includes an equality check 10 >= 10
% Modulo of values on either side of the operator 10 % 2
** Exponent (power) of the values 2 ** 2
& Bitwise AND of the values 10 & 2
^ Bitwise XOR of the values 10 ^ 2
| Bitwise OR of the values 10 | 2
+= Same as +, however its shorthand to assign too x += 10 Same as x = x + 10
-= Same as -, however its shorthand to assign too x -= 10 Same as x = x - 10
*= Same as *, however its shorthand to assign too x *= 10 Same as x = x * 10
/= Same as /, however its shorthand to assign too x /= 10 Same as x = x / 10
&= Same as &, however its shorthand to assign too x &= 10 Same as x = x & 10
^= Same as ^, however its shorthand to assign too x ^= 10 Same as x = x ^ 10
|= Same as |, however its shorthand to assign too x |= 10 Same as x = x
? Ternary operator - See below true ? ‘value’ : ‘other’
?. Optional chaining - See classes object?.someMethod()

Ternary Operator

The ternary operator is an operator which takes 3 operands and returns either the second or third depending on whether the first operand is truthy.

var value = true ? 'true!' : 'false!';
print(value); // 'true!'

var otherValue = 0 ? 'true!' : 'false!';
print(otherValue); // 'false!'


Precedence table from highest to lowest, with all operators having a left-to-right associativity.

. () []
! -
* /
+ -
< > <= >=
== !=

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