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Table of contents

  1. Env
    1. Env.get(String, String: defaultValue -> Optional) -> ?String
    2. Env.set(String, ?String)
    3. Env.clearAll()
    4. Env.readFile(String: path -> Optional) -> Result


To make use of the Env module an import is required.

import Env;

Env.get(String, String: defaultValue -> Optional) -> ?String

Get an environment variable. .get() will return a string if a valid environment variable is found otherwise nil.

If default value is passed that will be returned if the specified environment variable could not be found.

Env.get("bad key!"); // nil
Env.get("valid key"); // "value"
Env.get("bad key!", "default value!!!"); // "default value!!!"

Env.set(String, ?String)

Change or add an environment variable. You can clear an environment variable by passing a nil value. When setting an environment variable the key must be a string and the value must be either a string or nil. Returns a Result type and on success will unwrap to nil.

Env.set("key", "test");
Env.set("key", nil); // Remove env var
Env.set("key", 10); // set() arguments must be a string or nil.


Clears all set environment variables.

Note: This is not available on Windows systems.


Env.readFile(String: path -> Optional) -> Result

To read environment variables from a file this helper method is provided. By default it will attempt to read .env unless a different path is supplied. Returns a Result type and on success will unwrap to nil.

Note: You are able to have comments in the .env file via the use of # (both in-line and first character).

# This is a comment
TESTING=100 # In-line comment
Env.readFile(); // <Result Suc>

print(Env.get("TEST")); // 10
print(Env.get("TESTING")); // 100

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