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Table of contents

  1. System
    1. Constants
    2. System.mkdir(String, Number: mode -> Optional) -> Result<Nil>
    3. System.mkdirAll(String, Number: mode -> Optional) -> Result<Nil>
    4. System.access(String, Number) -> Result<Nil>
    5. System.rmdir(String) -> Result<Nil>
    6. System.remove(String) -> Result<Nil>
    7. System.getpid() -> Number
    8. System.getppid() -> Number
    9. System.getuid() -> Number
    10. System.geteuid() -> Number
    11. System.getgid() -> Number
    12. System.getegid() -> Number
    13. System.getCWD() -> Result<String>
    14. System.setCWD(String) -> Result<Nil>
    15. System.sleep(Number)
    16. System.clock() -> Number
    17. System.time() -> Number
    18. System.collect()
    19. System.exit(Number)
    20. System.chmod(String, String)
    21. System.chown(String, Number, Number)
    22. System.uname() -> Dict
    23. System.mkdirTemp(String: directory_template -> Optional) -> Result<String>


To make use of the System module an import is required.

import System;


Constant Description
System.argv The list of command line arguments. The first element of the argv list is always the script name.
System.platform This string identifies the underlying system platform.
System.version Dictionary containing Dictu major, minor and patch versions.
System.S_IRWXU Read, write, and execute by owner.
System.S_IRUSR Read by owner.
System.S_IWUSR Write by owner.
System.S_IXUSR Execute by owner.
System.S_IRWXG Read, write, and execute by group.
System.S_IRGRP Read by group.
System.S_IWGRP Write by group.
System.S_IXGRP Execute by group.
System.S_IRWXO Read, write, and execute by others.
System.S_IROTH Read by others.
System.S_IWOTH Write by others.
System.S_IXOTH Execute by others.
System.S_ISUID Set user ID on execution.
System.S_ISGID Set group ID on execution.
System.F_OK Test for existence.
System.X_OK Test for execute permission.
System.W_OK Test for write permission.
System.R_OK Test for read permission.

System.mkdir(String, Number: mode -> Optional) -> Result<Nil>

Make directory. Returns a Result type and on success will unwrap nil.

It can take an optional number argument that specifies the mode. If a mode is not passed, the directory will be created with 0777 permissions.

The actual permissions is modified by the process umask, which typically is S_IWGRP|S_IWOTH (octal 022).

    S_IRWXU = System.S_IRWXU,
    S_IRGRP = System.S_IRGRP,
    S_IXGRP = System.S_IXGRP,
    S_IROTH = System.S_IROTH,
    S_IXOTH = System.S_IXOTH;


System.mkdirAll(String, Number: mode -> Optional) -> Result<Nil>

Make all directories for a given path. Returns a Result type and on success will unwrap nil.

It can take an optional number argument that specifies the mode. If a mode is not passed, the directory will be created with 0777 permissions.

The actual permissions is modified by the process umask, which typically is S_IWGRP|S_IWOTH (octal 022).

System.access(String, Number) -> Result<Nil>

Check user’s permissions for a file. Returns a Result type and on success will unwrap nil.

Note: This method and the F_OK|X_OK|W_OK|R_OK constants are not available on windows systems.

var F_OK = System.F_OK;

System.access("/", F_OK);

System.rmdir(String) -> Result<Nil>

Remove directory.

Returns a Result type and on success will unwrap nil.


System.remove(String) -> Result<Nil>

Delete a file from filesystem.

Returns a Result type and on success will unwrap nil.


System.getpid() -> Number

Returns the process ID (PID) of the calling process as a number.

Note: This is not available on windows systems.


System.getppid() -> Number

Returns the process ID of the parent of the calling process as a number.

Note: This is not available on windows systems.


System.getuid() -> Number

Returns the real user ID of the calling process as a number.

Note: This is not available on windows systems.


System.geteuid() -> Number

Returns the effective user ID of the calling process as a number.

Note: This is not available on windows systems.


System.getgid() -> Number

Returns the real group ID of the calling process as a number.

Note: This is not available on windows systems.


System.getegid() -> Number

Returns the effective group ID of the calling process as a number.

Note: This is not available on windows systems.


System.getCWD() -> Result<String>

Get the current working directory of the Dictu process.

Returns a Result type and on success will unwrap a string.

System.getCWD().unwrap(); // '/Some/Path/To/A/Directory'

System.setCWD(String) -> Result<Nil>

Set current working directory of the Dictu process.

Returns a Result type and on success will unwrap nil.

if (!System.setCWD('/').success()) {
    print("failed to change directory");


Sleep pauses execution of the program for a given amount of time in seconds.

System.sleep(3); // Pauses execution for 3 seconds

System.clock() -> Number

Returns number of clock ticks since the start of the program as a number, useful for benchmarks.


System.time() -> Number

Returns UNIX timestamp as a number.



Manually trigger a garbage collection.



When you wish to prematurely exit the script with a given exit code.



$ echo $?; // 10

System.chmod(String, String)

Set the permissions on a file or directory.

System.chmod("/usr/local/share", "755");

System.chown(String, Number, Number)

Set the ownership of a file or directory with the given path, uid, and gid.

Note: This is not available on Windows systems.

System.chown("/path/to/file", 0, 0);

System.uname() -> Dict

Returns the name and version of the system along with operating system and hardware information.

Note: This is not available on Windows systems.


System.mkdirTemp(String: directory_template -> Optional) -> Result<String>

Makes a temporary directory. If an empty string is given, the temporary directory’s name will be a random string created in the current working directory. If a string is passed in, the temporary directory will be created with that name in the current working directory.

The directory template passed in must end with “XXXXXX”.

Returns a Result type and on success will unwrap to a string containing the created directory name.

Note: This is not available on Windows systems.

System.mkdirTemp().unwrap(); // "VOO16s"
System.mkdirTemp("test_XXXXXX").unwrap(); // "test_0bL2qS"

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