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Table of contents

  1. Socket
    1. Constants
    2. Socket.create(Number: family, Number: type) -> Result<Socket>
    3. socket.bind(String, Number) -> Result<Nil>
    4. socket.connect(String, Number) -> Result<Nil>
    5. socket.listen(Number: backlog -> Optional) -> Result<Nil>
    6. socket.accept() -> Result<List>
    7. socket.write(String) -> Result<Number>
    8. socket.recv(Number) -> Result<String>
    9. socket.close()
    10. socket.setsocketopt(Number: level, Number: option) -> Result


To make use of the Socket module an import is required.

import Socket;


Constant Description
Socket.AF_INET AF_INET protocol family
Socket.SOCK_STREAM SOCK_STREAM protocol type
Socket.SOCK_DGRAM SOCK_DGRAM protocol type
Socket.SOCK_RAW SOCK_RAW protocol type
Socket.SOCK_SEQPACKET Sequenced, reliable, two-way connection
Socket.SOL_SOCKET SOL_SOCKET option level
Socket.SO_REUSEADDR SO_REUSEADDR allow socket reuse
Socket.SO_BROADCAST Allow sending to dgram sockets

Socket.create(Number: family, Number: type) -> Result<Socket>

Create a new socket object given a socket type and socket family. This will return a Result and unwrap to a new socket object in which the rest of the methods are ran on.

var result = Socket.create(Socket.AF_INET, Socket.SOCK_STREAM);
if (!result.success()) {
    // ...

var socket = result.unwrap();

socket.bind(String, Number) -> Result<Nil>

This will bind a given socket object to an IP and port number. Returns a Result type and on success will unwrap to nil.

var result = socket.bind("", 1000);
if (!result.success()) {
    // ...

socket.connect(String, Number) -> Result<Nil>

This will connect to a socket on a given host and IP. Returns a Result type and on success will unwrap to nil.

var result = socket.connect("", 1000);
if (!result.success()) {
    // ...

socket.listen(Number: backlog -> Optional) -> Result<Nil>

This will enable connections to be made. The backlog parameter specifies how many pending connections can be queued before they begin to get rejected. If left unspecified a reasonable value is chosen. Returns a Result type and on success will unwrap to nil.

var result = socket.listen();
if (!result.success()) {
    // ...

socket.accept() -> Result<List>

This will accept incoming connections. The socket must be bound to an address an listening for incoming connections before .accept() can be used. Returns a Result type that wraps a list of two values where the first value is a new socket object and the second is the address connecting to the socket as a string.

var [client, address] = socket.accept().unwrap();
print(address); //

socket.write(String) -> Result<Number>

This will write data to the remote client socket. Returns a Result type and on success will unwrap to a number (amount of chars written).

var result = socket.write("Some Data");
if (!result.success()) {
    // ...

socket.recv(Number) -> Result<String>

This will receive data from the client socket. The maximum amount of data to be read at a given time is specified by the argument passed to recv(). Returns a Result type and on success will unwrap to a string.

Note: The argument passed to recv should be a relatively small power of 2, such as 2048 or 4096.

var result = socket.recv(2048);
if (!result.success()) {
    // ...


Closes a socket.


socket.setsocketopt(Number: level, Number: option) -> Result

Set a socket option on a given socket. Returns a Result type and on success will unwrap to nil.

var result = socket.setsockopt(Socket.SOL_SOCKET, Socket.SO_REUSEADDR);
if (!result.success()) {
    // ...

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