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Variables and types

Table of contents

  1. Data types
  2. Truthy / Falsey
    1. Example
  3. Declaring a variable
    1. Constants
    2. List unpacking

Data types

Type Example Note
String 'foo', "bar" You can use single or double quotes to represent strings in Dictu.
Number 100, 100.5 This data type includes both integers (whole numbers) and floats (numbers with decimals).
Boolean true, false Fun fact: Boolean data types are named after George Boole.
List [1, 2, ‘hi’, true, nil] Lists can contain any data type or combination of data types.
Dictionary {"key1": 10, 2: "two", true: "true", nil: "nil"} Dictionaries have key-value pairs, like a dictionary (Word: Definition). Keys must be an immutable data type (strings, numbers, nil or boolean). Values can be any data type.
Set set("1", 1, nil) Sets are unordered collections of immutable, unique values. You can create a set with the set() function.
Nil nil Used to signify no value (much like null in other languages)
Result Success, Error See Error Handling section.

Truthy / Falsey

Truthy / Falsey are terms that describe a value that will evaluate to either true or false. This, however, is not the same as the value equalling the boolean value of true or false.

The table below describes falsey types for built-in data types, any other value would evaluate to truthy.

Type Example Note
String '', "" A string of 0 length.
Number 0 The value 0.
Boolean false The value false.
List [] A list of 0 length.
Dictionary {} A dictionary with 0 length.
Set set() A set with 0 length.
Nil nil The value nil
Result Error A result in Error state.


This means we can use these values in a conditional check without the need for an explicit value check

const someList = [1, 2, 3].filter(def (x) => x > 3);

if (someList) {
    // The list has values within it

const someResult = ...; // Some action that returns a Result

if (not someResult) {

Declaring a variable

var someNumber = 10;
var someString = "hello";
var someOtherString = 'hello';
var someBoolean = true;
var someFalseBoolean = false;
var someNilValue = nil;
var someOtherNilValue; // This variable is equal to nil
var someList = [1, 2, "hi", 'hi', nil, true, false];
var someDict = {"key": 10, "key1": true, 2: [1, "2", false], true: {"1": 2}};
var someSet = set();

Variable names can start with an uppercase or lowercase letter or an underscore. The rest of the characters can be letters, digits, or underscores. The value must be another defined variable or a valid data type. Variables cannot be named several reserved terms: import, true, false, nil, const, var, and more.

Once a variable has been defined, var is no longer needed to update the value of the variable:

var someNumber = 10;
someNumber = someNumber + 13;

Variables can also change their data type without being redeclared with var:

var someVariable = 10;
someVariable = "A string"; // Perfectly valid!

You can also define multiple variables with a single statement.

var a,
    b = 10,
    c = "Hello!";
print(a, b, c); // nil, 10, 'Hello!'


Constants are like variables, however they are read-only. Once a constant has been declared, its value cannot be changed later in the program. Constant names must follow the same rules as variable names.

const x = 10;
x = 15; // [line 1] Error at '=': Cannot assign to a constant.
print(x); // 10

Like variables, multiple constants can be declared at once:

const y = 10,
      z = 20; // Both y and z are constants
print(y, z); // 10, 20

List unpacking

List unpacking is a feature in which you can define multiple variables at a given time from values within a list. To unpack the amount of variables being defined must match the amount of values within the list otherwise a runtime error will occur.

// Perfectly valid!
var [a, b, c] = [1, 2, 3];
print(a); // 1
print(b); // 2
print(c); // 3

// Perfectly valid!
const [x, y, z] = [1, 2, 3];
print(x); // 1
print(y); // 2
print(z); // 3

// Perfectly valid!
var myList = [1, 2, 3];
var [val1, val2, val3] = myList;
print(val1); // 1
print(val2); // 2
print(val3); // 3

// Error!
var [d] = [1, 2];
var [e, f] = [1];

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